Inhumanity In Night By Elie Wiesel

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First thing that readers may notice about the book “Night” is that throughout the book you can see so many different ways of inhumanity.
In the book “Night” Elie, the main character, goes through countless things at the Nazi concentration camps and there is a lot to break down throughout the book.
Elie Wiesel develops the theme of inhumanity through symbols and imagery. In the book “Night” by Elie Wiesel the theme of inhumanity is developed by symbols throughout the book. Elie and his family arrive at their first concentration camp, Auschwitz. When they arrived, Elie was immediately separated from his mother and his sister. In the book it says, “NEVER SHALL I FORGET that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night …show more content…

Every night in the book something bad always seems to happen. There is so much death throughout the book and most of the time it was cruel. Many of those people didn’t deserve to die, yet they did. While Elie waited to get off the cattle cars with all the other people, there was a lady in the corner going ballistic. She was so hysterical that she started to hallucinate fires and tell everyone about it. In the story it says, “Fire! I see a fire!” pg. 24 This connects to my claim for numerous reasons. Mrs. Schachter (the lady) started seeing fires after she got split up from her family. She didn’t know what was going to happen to her kids and her husband, all she knew is that she was split up. In this book fire symbolizes death. Mrs. Schachter saw fire constantly and it tormented her. Not being able to know the whereabouts of one's family can eat someone from the inside out. Overall, Elie Wiesel has an amazing way of trying to show readers through symbols that the theme of his book is inhumanity. The author of Night also expresses his theme of inhumanity through imagery. In this story, a little …show more content…

I never saw a single victim weep. These withered bodies had long forgotten the bitter taste of tears.” Pg. 63 When Elie uses the words withered you can imagine everyone at the camps being so tired and worn out because of the endless suffering that seems to never stop. The boy was hung because he stole, instead of a normal punishment like getting extra duties, staying awake longer at the barracks he was killed. However, this young polish man wasn’t the only one to be hanged. There were so many others who were treated as if they were nothing and hung too. Elie was leaving his last Nazi concentration camp when his father died. He was saved by soldiers and he was sent to a hospital to get taken care of. In the book it says, “From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me.” pg. 115 When you have gone through so much in life, you start to fade, to disappear. Elie was on the brink of death like his father. Even though he wasn’t dead, he could still be dead on the inside. Just being another soul in a body. You can look at yourself and try to put the pieces together but you can’t. What one has witnessed can not be shared but it would be a pity to not share it. You can