Injustice In The Kite Runner

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How do people face injustice, and what are their specific reasons for responding in this nature? When faced in the presence of injustice, some choose to ac and take control; whereas others ignore the plain fact of the certain injustice occurring. Hassan is faced with the horrific event of being sexually assaulted after the kite-fighting tournament. If it wasn’t bad enough that Hassan had to undergo this assault, but his best friend stood there as it happened without saying a word. Hassan is a Hazara which is a type of faith in which a young bully, named Assef, does not favor very much. Assef claims that Hassan is “a lucky Hazara..” and that “it’s only going to cost [Hassan] that blue kite, a fair deal..” (Khaled Hosseini 60). If Hassan simply handed over the kite in which Amir had won during the kite-fighting tournament than he would be able to be free. The bullies call Hassan “a lucky Hazara”, insulting him by treating him as if he’s not a real person, with a name. Hassan has such a strong character that he is aware that giving up this kite is not an option. He is aware of how important, and symbolic this kite …show more content…

Hassan is in front of him, being raped so that Amir is able to keep the prize possession that symbolizes Amir finally winning his father's approval. Amir could have stepped in, and stopped this action. As this was happening Amir, “ Opened [his] mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of [his] life might have turned out differently if [he] had. [He] just watched. Paralyzed” (61). In the presence of the injustice of his family-acquaintance being assaulted Amir acts by not acting. He finds himself paralyzed with emotion, and confusion as he watched. Amir knew that if he would’ve stepped in his life would be much different; he would not only live without the guilt, but the horrific memories of this assault. Amir chooses not to act in the presence of