Innocence Theme In To Kill A Mockingbird

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This is a phenomenal book, which has received a great deal of praise over the years. Only a book as great as this one can have so many different themes that are all entangled into each other, but still make sense. The child-like innocence is strong in this novel. A child in a candy store looking as though there is no better place in the world. Justice for those who deserve it, almost all around. But the perspective of the child-view as opposed to an adult really brings out a good feeling through this read. Although To Kill a Mockingbird may have many themes the themes that stand out the most are innocence, which gives the book a very loving feel; justice vs injustice, which creates an air of real life; and perspective, which enables the reader to see the story from a child’s point of view.
To illustrate, innocence is key to the success of this novel. Finding the innocence in this novella is to be finding the mockingbirds, or the people who embody an animal-like sense of innocence. Birds seem to have a significance in this novel, not only in the title, but also in some of the characters. The last names of the important characters show this argument: Robinson, or Finch, both of these names belong to a character(s) or a bird. Jem Finch, Scout Finch, and …show more content…

The novel is viewed from the standpoint of a little girl between the ages of 6 and almost 9, she sees the world in a dramatic way; with a cat-eating man living down the street and their black maid being nothing less than family. In the beginning of the novel, Scout sees her neighborhood as large and frightening, and Boo Radley is nothing more than a scary story. Over the course of the novel, Scout’s perspective of Boo changes quite drastically. At first she thinks him as a cat-eating window-peeper, but then as she grows so do her views, and in the end she views Boo as a