
Insanity In William Shakespeare's Hamlet

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There would be no one who casts doubt to the statement “William Shakespeare is the most admirable playwright.” “William Shakespeare is regarded as England’s national poet.” (Biography.com) His plays are performed even nowadays, and many people love Shakespeare. There is little known fact about the life of William Shakespeare, but his literary works are admired than any other rhetoricians throughout the history.
To mention some of the facts known about William Shakespeare, he was born in Stratford, England (Biography.com). The baptist record of the parish church in Stratford tells the readers that William Shakespeare’s baptism was done on Wednesday, April 26th, 1564 (Fernandes 10). Among the eight children, William was the third (Fernandes …show more content…

It examines human nature by creating the character, Hamlet, as morally ambiguous. The father’s abrupt death and the mother’s immediate remarriage to the uncle drives Hamlet into insanity. Moreover, Hamlet’s immature love contributes to his mental instability. He is a young male who is confronting the biggest agony in his life. Throughout the play, Hamlet’s madness is depicted both directly and indirectly. The readers are able to have chances to empathize with him. Since Hamlet’s insanity is mysterious, the audience cannot actually know if Hamlet is insane or he is pretending to be. Finally, every main character dies just like in other Shakespearean tragic plays. Hamlet allows people to contemplate human nature by casting questions; how can we distinguish people’s insanity? Is the person who judges others virtuous enough to do …show more content…

The play gives lesson to the readers about revenge; taking a vengeance will ruin your life. When Macbeth hears that he is going to be king, Lady Macbeth kills people in order to make Macbeth to be a king. Similar to Hamlet, Shakespeare employs the theme of moral ambiguity, shown vividly in Act Ⅰ, scene ⅰ, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” by the witches’ line. They say that being honest is deceiving, while deceiving is being honest. This is an important foreshadowing made by the three witches, since later in the play, Lady Macbeth commits a murder. Shakespeare chooses to utilize foreshadowing in order to make the readers deeply contemplate about human’s ironic nature which tends to rationalize one’s crime. By creating a piece of literature, Macbeth, Shakespeare examines humans’ most innate nature, desire and ambition. At the same time, he lets us his readers to be engaged in the play by employing one of the most common topics in our daily

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