Inside Broadmoor Summary And Analysis

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Broadmoor gained the misfortune of being largely viewed as a high security prison by the British public due to a few high profile inmates being transferred to Broadmoor to complete their prison terms as well as having the outer appearance of an older prison . Inside Broadmoor attempts to correctly inform the British public that, while some patients have indeed come from the prison population, not all of them are criminals; and also attempts to bring out a sense of compassion in the British public for the people who are living at Broadmoor by highlighting that while these men are considered dangerous; not all of them are considered so because they committed a crime. Someone being considered dangerous by a mental institution can just as easily imply that one is a danger to oneself as it could imply one being a danger to society as well as themselves.

According to an article done by The Independent, out of all the patients, thirty five percent come from prisons, another thirty five percent from the court system, a quarter from medium-secure psychiatric units and …show more content…

There is a delicate balance between the fact that the men living at Broadmoor are indeed mentally ill, and that not of them have the capacity to truly understand the violent tendencies that their illness conjures up in their minds, and the fact that many men living inside Broadmoor have indeed committed awful crimes against society; and the narrative of Inside Broadmoor creates an impeccable balance of both ideas