Inside The Home Of The Future Analysis

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Technology is very helpful to our society because it makes people's lives much easier,it can perform the simple tasks in life that are sometimes overlooked, and technology can make your home much safer. Technology is extremely helpful to our society because it makes people's lives much easier, especially for older homeowners. There are many ways in which technology can make our lives simpler and easier, for example experimental homes are now being built that can turn the shower on when you enter the bathroom, weigh you when you shave, and they can even set your furnace so that the house is at your desired temperature when you wake up in the morning. All of these features are only equipped on a house of the future and without technology these …show more content…

For example according to the story Inside the Home of the Future by Kelly Greene on page 338, “When someone rings the doorbell, you either hear it or feel your cell phone vibrating. Then you can open your phone and see a picture of the person at the door. If you recognize the person you can push a button on your cellphone to unlatch the door”. This method of answering a door at your house is very safe because you can verify who the visitor is before allowing them to enter your house.This technology could even save many people from answering the door for people that are trying to harm them. Another safety feature of future homes was mentioned on page 338 in the story Inside the Home of the Future by Kelly Greene . In this story she explains what a homeowner of a home of the future would do if someone is at your door but it is dark outside. “If it is dark and you can’t see the visitor, you can push another button to turn on an outside light”.
Technology is very helpful to our society but some people think that technology is making U.S. citizens lazy but this is simply not the case. Technology has no part of making people lazy because people can make their own choices about what to do with their time. Technology has no part in making people lazy but people are unaware that this is not the case.Technology is extremely helpful to our society because it makes people's lives much easier,it can perform