Documentarv m makers use documentary conventions to exolore specic antuges.n ine documentary Inside the world's toughest prisons 2016 directed by Emma Read and Gabe.
Solomon, the documentary follows journalist, Paul Connolly as he spends a week inside Dani prison in Honduras. Documentary conventions are used to present the prisons unsate antuces cowards to orisoners and guardnine orsons uncare a nude cowards is orisoners. as well as the host's judgemental attitudes towards the prisons system
The documentary effectively conveys the unsafe attitude of the Dali prison towards its inmates by hiehlientine the lack of security caused by the prison's underfundine and the prisoners' control over other inmates. A key moment in the film is when journalist
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However, once he enters the prison, the guards lock themselves away for their own safety, which suggests that the prison environment is hostile and unsafe for everyone, including the …show more content…
The footage also shows the unsanitary of the prison meal, where they receive their food with their hands and the food is handed to them by nano The documentary effectively conveys the unsafe attitude of the Dali prison towards its inmates by highlighting the lack of security caused by the prison's underfunding and the prisoners' control over other inmates. A key moment in the film is when lournalist Paul Connolly states "I'm protected by armed evards. but once inside Dal prison. it'lbe murderers and rapists who are in control. This statement, coupled with the use of actuality footage and diegetic sound, portrays the prisoners as dangerous and a threat to the safety of others
The actuality footage of prisoners holding weapons suggests that they are capable of causing harm to other inmates and creating an environment that is extremely unsafe. The verb "control" used in Connolly's statement further emphasizes the power dynamics between the guards and the prisoners. It implies that even though the guards are armed, they are powerless when compared to the dangerous and heavily-armed prisoners
The adjective "protected" used to describe Connolly implies that he is safe outside of the prison