Inspector Goole In John Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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Imagine what it would feel like to allow the weight of your faults fall off your shoulders, or maybe even just the chance to rethink your past actions. but to who? a man hiding behind a fake police badge and a long faded coat? Or to a man who represent something of much more superiority and power? An Inspector Calls takes place in 1912, a time before war, and even a time before depressions. John Priestley introduces an important character that allows him to send many political messages as well as social messages to the audience. J. B. Priestley believed in socialism and he used large amounts of his plays and characters in his play to try and convince people to his way of thinking. There are many themes explored throughout the novel, such as …show more content…

Inspector Goole is placed to help question these themes, but is later than realized to be a fake Inspector. So the Question comes down to who is the Inspector, who was the man that created that mess of a night?

Priestley believed in responsibility, both individual and collective believing that for every action there is a consequence. Inspector Goole is evidently presented as a character who is trying to teach the Birling family to take responsibility for their actions. Inspector. “ we are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. And I tell you that the time will soon come when if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. we don't live alone.” due to this matter, I believe that Priestly used The character of Inspector Goole to carry out his point and meaning of the story to the audience. The novel itself leaves the audience or reader on a cliff hanger with no proof of who the Inspector could be. Therefore, with this very little