Intelligence In Margaret Edson's Play Wit

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An important trait to life that many people have is intelligence. It is an exceptionally significant feature that people use in life for either good or bad. Intelligence can be positive, bringing bigger paychecks, fame, and power. These positive aspects of intelligence sound good, but such shrewdness has its disadvantages. Some negative aspects of intellect are depression, difficulty making friends, and the lowering of self-esteem. Living in a society where money can give people great pleasures, many believe intelligence is great trait. When individuals become highly intelligent, there can be times when they start to realize the disadvantages and begin regretting the way they lived their lives. Reading the play Wit, one notices Vivian’s mindset and enthusiasm arising from poetry and language. Throughout the early moments, Vivian states that her career chosen in accordance to her love of literature. Such love gave her deep intelligence, and as the play moves forward, her intelligence or wit creates issues for her. Vivian’s struggle with many of the characters she encounters throughout the play revealing the flaw in her personality and mindset. Vivian, for the most part, is alone. Once Vivian is diagnosed …show more content…

Originating within the doctors’ incompetence to understand Vivian’s feelings, Vivian’s treatment was serving to assist their research, but not her life. Susie the is only person who helps Vivian find control. In the play’s last scene, Jason attempts to revive Vivian because he forgets she is DNR. Only Susie can stop the code. Jason is knocked down by Susie as he fails to recognize the DNR. One is left with the understanding that Vivian has found her way from wit to a more altruistic understanding of her life, but will Jason see this humanity and change his ways or will he miss the moment and continue a life of wit and lose the opportunity to learn of human contact and its great need in