Non Adherence Definition

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According to WHO, adherence or compliance defined as “the extent to which the persons’ behavior corresponds with agreed recommendations from a health-care provider”. It is also refer to suboptimal taking of medicines by patients. Not only agree to the suggestion, in also includes the initiation, implementation and discontinuation of the prescribed treatment regime. There are two types of non-adherence which are primary and secondary non-adherence. Primary non-adherence refers to the refilling and initiation of the pharmacotherapy. For an instance, the patient does not adhere or fill the prescription with new medications. However, for secondary non-adherence, it is referring to those who adhere to the treatment although the prescriptions are …show more content…

The five dimensions include disease, medication, demographic and socioeconomic factors, patient and close relatives, and health care system. For an example, if the patient lack of symptoms, it will lead them to non-adherence to the pharmacology therapy. When the prescription is very complex, it also will lead to this issue especially older patients who having difficulty in remembering the drug to be taken. Sometimes, when the patient experienced any side effect after taking the therapy such as nausea and vomiting, they will become fear of taking the medicines, causing non-adherence [2]. Patients may also think that the treatment is unnecessary, thus stop taking the medicine according to the …show more content…

This method also can only be used for a limited number of medications. For example, those that predominantly metabolized and excreted in the urine such as isoniazid. The limitation involve the pharmacokinetics of the medication has to be known such as absorption and excretion. Moreover, laborious urine samples have to be collected especially over a 24 hour period.

3. Biological markers such as glycosylated haemoglobin A1C and coagulation International Normalised Ratio
• Biological markers determined through blood tests, which are directly affected by ingestion of medication. The limitations are also involve it can be used for a limited number of medications, influenced by other biological parameters and patient behavior, costly and invasive.

4. Ingestible event marker
• An ingestible, grain-of-sand sized microsensor fixed in each tablet, which communicates with a data recorder in the form of a skin patch, and software. It also monitors heart rate, temperature and respiration. Data can be relayed to patients’ and significant and other cell phones. Limitations are involved the limited experience and research in its use, ethical issues linked to the novelty of the measure and its invasiveness, costly, and not specifically designed for clinical