
Interactionism: Economic And Social System

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Marxism is an economic and social system established upon the political and economic concepts of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism is the opposite of capitalism which is said to be “an economic system based on the private ownership of production and distribution of goods, characterised by the free competitive market by Encarta. Marxism is the organisation of socialism, which the main feature is public possession of production, distribution, and exchange. According to Marx, a class is defined by the relationship between its members and production. He said history is the chronology of class struggles, conflicts, and uprisings. In order to support families, they are paid a bare minimum wage or salary. The worker is secluded because he or …show more content…

Rather than looking at a social system overall, such as the total population of a country, interactionism focuses on a smaller-scale social interactions, such as the interactions between characters or small social groups. Interactionism in sociology focuses on the way that we act, or make careful choices concerning our behaviours that continue from how we understand situations. In other words, humans are not only reacting to social provocations; we are social actors and need to alter our behaviour based on the actions of others. Interactionism in sociology reviews how different social actors make sense of or understand the behaviour of those surrounding us. This evidence can be used to understand the social construction of the world, which is focused on not only the meanings that we give to behaviour, but also how we understand the meanings of behaviour of ourselves and others. For example, someone goes and sits under a tree because there is shade under the tree. Then someone comes along and tells them that ants live under that tree and they bite. The individual that went to sit under the tree does not believe that the ants bite, so they ignore. After a while ants start biting the person, then all of a sudden they then believe that trees that have shade possibly have ants that bite. So this will make the person think that where there is a tree with shade, it could possibly be infested with biting ants. Interactionism is also concerned with the social context in which our interactions take

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