Interest Groups Pros And Cons

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Interest groups create a lot of controversy and contention. Some critics and faultfinder accuse and even blame this groups for many of the issues in America. Other individuals, on the other hand, see interest groups as a key segment of the American vote based framework. In this essay I will analyze both sides and support it with details about how this groups affect positively and negatively during USA elections process. Interest groups are one critical system through which citizens in the United States make their thoughts, ideas, needs and perspectives known to elected authorities. Residents can generally discover a group that spotlights on their concerns, regardless of how concentrated they may be. Public policy in the United States is molded …show more content…

They give the citizenry participation in the political system and framework, and they are regularly the initiators of the political procedure through their explanation of request to overseeing governing officials. As Clive S. Thomas stated on his research about Interest Groups, “Interest groups in most democracies is also a source of financial support for election campaigns. In the United States the development of policital action committees after World War II was geared to providing money to candidates running for public office.” This groups can get the legislature to look at issues of major concern to their group members by persuading them to form public policy or legislation on the matter. Without interest groups bringing such issues to the cutting edge and constraining government authorities to manage them in an aggregate and organized method, the individual members of society who share the normal objective of the group would likely not have the capacity to get the government to manage their concerns. Interest groups utilize a variety of strategies and participate in a variety of activities in their attempts to impact government policy to their own ends. Some ways these groups can influence the final result of the policy procedure are by electoral activities in which they may raise cash, supply workers, or rally votes for a specific party that seems likely to favor their cause …show more content…

More risky strategies such as violence, litigation, and the disturbance of social order may also be used to dramatize the group’s cause and demonstrate that is willing to pay a high cost for the achievement of its objectives. Regardless of all the other tactics available, lobbying is still the essential tool utilized by interest groups in democratic process to get the government on side with the group in its policy choices. The center of this action relies on the institutional arrangements of individual political frameworks, but the object of the activity is always to secure ideal policy decisions or the appointment of particular people to positions of power who are seen as supporters of the group’s cause. This lobbying is done by delegates of the group through their dealings with government authorities. This fundamental routine of associating with government leaders to further the interest of the groups is just as old as contemporary groups themselves. Where I am from, Dominican Republic, we do not have a large number of interest groups and pluralism found in other advanced nations. Our long history of political instability had included many political and social breakdowns, revolutions and