
Interpersonal Communication In The Secret Of Courage

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The Secret of Courage play is about a boy, Jack, who was living his normal life. Exceeding in school and loved hanging out with his friend, Waddy. All the sudden his life is turned around after he realizes he has cancer. The three basic concepts shown in The Secret of Courage are sympathy/empathy, halo effect, and the stages of listening. These three notions are used to understand the play using interpersonal communication. Sympathy/ empathy is used in the play numerous times and is defined as showing feelings towards someone about a certain situation. Whether it is good or bad the individual who is going through the situation is feeling loved with the help of his or her peers. For example, when Jack went to go visit Dr. Mueller for the first …show more content…

An example shown in the play was when Pick, the magic park wizard, and Dierdre, the owl, had drawn Jack into a place where he was able to do anything if he put his mind to it. Since Jack had cancer he felt that he wasn’t going to live for much longer, since his Uncle Frank died at a young age. Jack explained to Pick how there was no possible way he was going to fight the “demons” inside of him. Pick and Dierdre showed him how our ancestors fought for life and death when they had an option to either get captured or proceed to death. The two explained how death isn’t scary and that even just a little feather can boost you towards winning any battle. Towards the end Jack’s mindset about his cancer situation is conquer when he eventually fights the actual demons. Halo effect is shown as Jack didn’t think cancer was able to be defeated but in the end words of encouragement showed him …show more content…

The HURIER model is a great way to understand the six stages of listening: Hearing, Understanding, Remembering, Interpreting, Evaluating, and Responding. Jack shows the stages of listening throughout the entire play. During the first stage, hearing, Jack is told that he has cancer and later sees his Uncle Frank at the park. His Uncle explains how his passing was nothing anyone could ever imagine but after death it is so much greater. Jack then understands the importance of having family around when you are passing, and that life just happens sometimes. As Uncle Frank and Jack tossed the ball around, they reflected on all the good memories they had together and the ones they will share after death. This is shown to be the remembering stage as they are conversating on the happy memories they shared. Jack later goes to Pick and Dierdre to interpret how his Uncle Frank felt as he was dying. He realized just a little more that maybe death isn’t so scary. As Pick and Dierdre explain to him the importance of having confidence in oneself to overcome demons, he evaluates his cancer situation once more. Once Jack fully understands the purpose and meaning death has on a person he is no longer scared of his demons. He eventually fights his demons with two things he loves the most, his plaque and his baseball bat. This is the last stage of listening where Jack has responded to his demons and feels confident about

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