Interpersonal Communication

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Verbal communication is a topic of interpersonal communication that I have struggled with ever since I was a child. It is defined by the book as “the exchange of spoken or written language with others during interactions (McCornack 177).” While the book mentions various medias when discussing verbal communication, I believe that I struggle most within face-to-face encounters. When I was in high school the most dreaded times for me were being forced to present projects in front of the class, so much so that I would often choose to take the failing grade instead of facing this fear. This is in fact the very reason that I chose to take my communications class online, to avoid my fear of speaking publicly. Another Issue that comes with my poor …show more content…

For example, In the workplace it is important to speak so that everyone works well together; However, at my job I am often known as the quite person who doesn’t talk. While my inability to communicate is not so important to my current employers, I know if I don’t make a change I may miss out on job opportunities in the future. As well, I would also like to improve my speaking skills in order to improve my interpersonal relationships. As it is stated in Private Conversation, Public Meaning “Conversation is a form of relationship, not just a form of speech (Spacks 611).” Due to my poor communication skills, I fail to create and build these valuable relationships with other people. Luckily, since taking this class I have begun to make the correct adjustments in my life to solve my adversity in verbal …show more content…

I have started small; with the people I currently trust. For example, just recently I went to a party with some of my friends, which is something I almost never do. I got to see what other people my age experience, and realized that there is less to be afraid of then I initially anticipated. Unexpectedly, I had a good time talking with my peers and did not feel as stressed as I normally would in such situations. After taking this step, I feel that I can socialize more often without the fear of being unaccepted by