Cerebral Palsy: A Case Study Of Jonathan

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Jonathan, a seven and a half year old boy is a social second grader who has normal intelligence. However, Jonathan was diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy and has dysarthric speech patterns. With spastic cerebral palsy, Jonathan has difficulty regarding his motor control and movement. Confined to his wheelchair, Jonathan works independently, separate from his classmates. Jonathan cannot produce clear speech, his dysarthric speech pattern prevents him from speaking freely in the classroom and at home. Jonathan currently uses his augmentative and alternative communication device, which allows him to select a pre-programmed phrase or word. However, this does not meet Jonathan’s communication needs. Without complex sentences and phrases, Jonathan is unable to keep up with his peers. Jonathan’s speech therapist recognizes this and …show more content…

However, because of Jonathan’s impairments, there will be many modifications to the device, which require assistance from his physical and occupational therapists. Jonathan’s occupational therapist, responsible for modifying the device, can do this through enlarging the phone. Jonathan then will have enough space on the screen to type, play games, take pictures, and more. This extra space is vital because of his limited mobility and an enlarged screen would help him accurately press the desired button. Jonathan’s physical therapist would contribute by working to improve Jonathan’s strength in his arms, allowing him the power to use his finger to select a letter or app. Jonathan’s physical therapist can also work to improve his finger’s strength. This will allow Jonathan to press the home button, turn the phone off, and lower the volume. Through the communication of Jonathan’s physical and occupational therapists he can accomplish and do the same things as his peers, however, he does these tasks differently, which is perfectly