Interpreting Political Ideology

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Yep, it's time and it only took me about three posts to do so. Look, I understand that I am not God and that my views are flawed, controversial and not the end all be all. Except there is one exception this; I am a human being, I am empathetic. If you do not have this quality than I hope that you keep reading and understand how important it is to have. If you think you have this quality I hope you can keep reading and challenge your idea of this, and lastly for those of you who claim to be empathetic yet aren't, this one is for you. The moment some of you read this headline you cringed, rolled your eyes, took a deep breath or even decided not to read, and that is a problem. What's wrong with getting political? Why does it have to be a taboo topic that's only meant to ruin Thanksgiving …show more content…

Too often we view political ideology as a label. Something of a black cloud that's put over your head. In recent times it feels like your political ideology is the definition of who you are as if it came with rules. Oh, I'm a Democrat? I must hate unborn babies. I must have no friends that are Republicans. I must invite the government to sleep in my bed every night. Don't even get me started about my assumed opinion on emails! Oh, I'm a Republican? I must have voted for Trump. I must be uneducated. I must be white. I must hate poor people. I must run in fear every time I see a black person on the subway or a Muslim on an airplane. Political Ideology is not a label, it's not black and white. Political ideology is not right and wrong, and for the last gosh darn time political ideology is not a set of rules. You do not know anything about someone because you know their political ideology. This doesn't give you a free pass though. If you think that political ideology is an excuse to not think of others, to be hurtful, to be uneducated; then you are the exact