
Interrogators Use Of Evidence In Confessions

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Techniques interrogators use Interrogators uses various techniques in order to gain a confession and close the case. Some techniques interrogators use are more widely accepted than others because they range in levels of deceitfulness and presentation of evidence.
We will have evidence ploy This ploy is more widely accepted because interrogators can state that physical evidence was recovered, and it will implicate the true perpetrator. Then, interrogators can state that they did find physical evidence at the scene of the crime and they are checking to see it is a match to the suspect. When this method is used, it does not back a suspect into a corner with accusations that the physical evidence is a match to them, but just states that some type of physical evidence was collected. This allows interrogators to view the reaction of the news to the suspects. A suspect who is guilty may start to offer explanations of how that is not possible or even tell the police that they are lying. However, a suspect who is innocent will start to relax because they know that the forensic evidence will clear them of any involvement.
We have evidence ploy …show more content…

Investigators may claim that an eye witness has come forward, that they failed a lie detector test, or that they have DNA evidence against the suspect (Janda, 2015). This technique needs to be banned because it can produce highly unreliable confessions. Suspects often feel trapped and feel that there is no other way out then to confess. Furthermore, interrogators often threaten suspects with harsh incarceration times and offer leniency if they make a confession. This may be enough to make an innocent person confess to avoid the death penalty or longer prison

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