Intervention Observation

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Within this academic year of Intervention Initiative as an active bystander. I have learnt the steps to recognise signs when someone is in danger and how to safely intervene. Nationally, there is an estimation of 1 in 5 women sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Therefore, what I have learnt could make a difference. First, I would observe the situation- this means to become aware of my surroundings. It is important to consider that if I were to approach the situation that I am visibly clear to others and higher authority (such as, security or staff), in case I need that extra help quickly. Next, I would question to myself if he/she looks like they need help through body language. Some body language indicators are obvious. If they are crying, chances are they are upset. Although, some body language indicators are not so blatant. For example, physical proximity: if someone is comfortable with you, they will not mind sitting or standing near you. However, if they are trying to back away when the other person is touching them inappropriately, that is a discomfort signal. 54% of 18-24-year-old female and 15% of male students experience sexual harassment on a night out. If …show more content…

Once I know how to intervene safely, I would act keeping myself safe. There are a variety of ways I have learnt to intervene safely such as, telling another person. This could be another friend, because being with others is a good idea if I am potentially going to approach a dangerous situation. I could ask the victim if they are okay- I could ask if they want to go too the toilet or for a dance, so I can provide them with a listening ear. Another option would be too ask if the person if he/she wants to leave, if they want to leave I must make sure they get home safely. However, if I feel like he/she needs help and I don’t want to approach- I would call the police or someone else in authority or call for

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