Interview With Martin Luther King Jr.-Theophilus Eugene Bull Connor

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People to be Interviewed
Martin Luther King Jr
-Theophilus Eugene "Bull" Connor

Interview with Martin Luther King Jr Interviewer:" Hi Can you please state your name, position and your relevance to the events in Birmingham",. Martin Luther King Jr: Hi, My name is Martin Luther King Jr. I am the leader of SCLC ( Southern Christian Leadership Conference). The SCLC and I started a campaign on the Wednesday April the 3rd 1963 by leading Sit-ins in Birmingham Lunch counters. Then on Thursday the 2nd of May I organised a Mass Child March that resulted In nearly 1000 children arrested. The following two days the Mass child marches continued which resulted in the Commissioner of Public Safety "Bull" Connor putting Police dogs and Fire …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr: In my opinion Birmingham was Americas most racist city. So I knew if God and I could make change there then change could be made anywhere. The place was also a KKK (Ku Klux Klan) stronghold and it got the name Bombingham and so it was also needed to happen there quickly so that more innocent lives wouldn't be lost. Interviewer: What do you think of Theophilus Eugene Connor?

Martin Luther King Jr: Not everyone on earth is perfect. He was brought up In Selma which was in a Confederate state who were still getting used to the Emancipation of Slaves. He grew up in a place that had lots of KKK ( Ku Klux Klan) presence and so it was normal for him to hate Blacks. In saying that I believe that the violence he showed to the Child Marchers were inhumane.

Interviewer: When did you know that you had won the battle of Birmingham?

Martin Luther King Jr: Once the press release of the images showing Bull Connor spraying Fire hoses and setting police dogs on the Child Protesters. I knew he had gone too far and that the American Public would change their perspective and see the racism that was happening in our