Essay On Bipolar Depression

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As estimated by WHO (World Health Organization), depression shall become the second largest illness in the terms of morbidity by another decade in the world, already one out of every five women, and twelve men have depression. Not just adults, but two percent of school children, and five percent of teenager also suffers from depression, and these mostly go unidentified. Depression has been the most commonest reason why people come to a psychiatrist, although the common man’s perception is that all psychological problems are depression. What one sees in most patients is the myth related to the depression. People still believe that it is just because of that medication would go life long.

All these are myths, and mostly created …show more content…

It involves cycles of depression and elation or mania. Sometimes the mood switches are dramatic and rapid, but most often they are gradual. When in the depressed cycle, adolescent can have any or all other the symptoms of a depressive illness. Mania often affects thinking, judgment, and social behavior of adolescent in ways that may cause serious problems and embarrassment to them.

Some types of depression run in the families, suggesting that a biological vulnerability can be inherited. This had seen to be the case with bipolar disorder. Studies of families in which members of each generation develops the bipolar disorder found that those with the illness have different genetic makeup than those who do not get ill. In some families, major depression also seems to occure generation after the generation.
People who have low self-esteem, who consistency view themselves and the world pessimism or who are readily overwhelmed by the stress, are to have the depression.
In the recent years, many researchers like- R.Grohol in 1995 have shown that the physical changes in the body can be accompanied by the mental changes. He said that “ it is very often that a combination of genetic, psychological and environment factors are involved in the onset of a depressive disorders