Invasive Species Alien Invasive Species

807 Words4 Pages
Introduction and Justification:
Verbena bonariensis is a fast growing NEMBA category 1b alien invasive species known for growing in grasslands, moist areas and along pavements and roadsides (Invasive Species South Africa, 2018) The plant possess threat to local plant life as it takes up growing space and uses up resources such as water.
I live one street away from Delta Park and have noticed the clean-up operations that are ongoing in the Florence Bloom Bird Sanctuary. I would like to further my understanding on alien invasive species Verbena bonariensis, which is the main targeted alien invasive in the sanctuary and the reason as to why the plant pose a threat to the local plant life of the sanctuary.
The average amount of Verbena bonariensis will be higher than the average amount of other natural occurring plants growing in the Florence Bloom Bird Sanctuary.
To determine the average amount of Verbena bonariensis versus the average amount of other natural occurring plants growing in the Florence Bloom Bird Sanctuary.

Literature Review:
Aliens and vagrants threaten Delta Park (22 October 2014)
Alien invasive species and vagrants pose threat to the natural biodiversity of Delta Park. The vagrants pollute the park and there has been evidence of the vagrants trapping birds from the Florence Bloom Bird Sanctuary. An effort has been made to remove vagrant’s structures with the aid of Metro Police. The alien invasive species black

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