Invisible Man Research Paper

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My reaction to this novel invisible man was very surprising. In this novel, (Invisible Man) this could be based on a time long ago, but this could also be a something that can happen in today’s life. The fact that he was black and other people couldn’t “see him” was something that caught my eye automatically. The reason I chose this novel was because the topic was very grabbing. By grabbing, I mean that the topic was brought to my attention very fast. Other novels that I have read before was not so deep like this one was, in my opinion. If I was in the same situation as “Invisible Man” then I would feel hurt and angry because people are treating me like I don’t exist. This like this happen everyday such as, bullying. Bullying could be someone neglecting you or ignoring you. I have seen this many times before, if like a person asked me a question and I heard them loud and clear and don’t respond, that could be bullying in my opinion. …show more content…

I would hate it and I would go crazy, which most people would. Society today don’t really have this problem as much, but their are different situations that could refer to this. Like, it;s not that easy for you to act someone is not there, but it is easy for you to treat a person like they are not there in front of you. Examples of this could be talking about them while they are near, or physically harming that person like they are no person at all. This all really falls into