Iowa State Concert Essay

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I attended a few Iowa State concerts this past semester but my favorite one that I attended was the last one I went to. On December 6, I went to the 60th Annual Holiday Festival of Music put on by the Department of Music & Theatre. It was my favorite in part because of the overall theme. I love Holiday music and it was interesting to hear Iowa State students singing familiar songs I had song previously in my high school days. The first group to preform was amazing, as was all of the other groups but it was the performance I identified with the least because I didn’t know any of the songs they sang. However, I loved the instruments that accompanied them. The cello, violins, and bongo were new and exciting and it really got me excited and …show more content…

Audience carols were really meant to keep the audience occupied while the different groups were transitioning. It was also a time where the more mainstream Holiday songs were incorporated. Such songs included “The First Noel”, “Silent Night”, and “Joy to the World”. Overall, it was a nice extra that made the overall concert more enjoyable. The second group to perform was Iowa State Singers. I could tell this was the most polished group. Not only did they sing octappella for a majority of their songs but also the mix of men and women did not go unnoticed. You could tell just by the way the constantly posed themselves, they were either music majors or life long enthusiasts of the arts. I personally connected with the song “Ave Maria”, because it was song at my grandfathers funeral last Christmas. The performance made me emotional and even brought me to tears. Cantamus was the third group to preform and really the reason I was there. My best friend is in this choir and she gives me the reason to go and support the arts at Iowa State. I had heard a lot of the songs they would perform ahead of time but it didn’t stop me from being in awe the whole time they performed. It was nice to hear an upbeat song with the tambourine and really helped pick up the mood of the overall