
Iroquois Constitution Vs Us Constitution

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The Constitution

The Iroquois Constitution is very different compared to the United States Constitution. The Iroquois Constitution was developed during the fifteenth to the sixteenth century. The U.S. Constitution was developed during September 17, 1787. Both of these Constitutions are written in different paths and structured differently. The Iroquois Constitution is based off, mainly of nature and symbols of things that represent the Constitution. Reading the Iroquois Constitution that was written by Dekanawidah; it strongly speaks of a “Tree of the Great Peace” on page 24, this peace of all the tribes that is held by a tree where the shade of the long leaves provides shelter and protection for only the people who live by the constitution. The Iroquois Constitution is primarily based on peace and the structure of the people, for example, stated on page 24 “ If any man or any nation …show more content…

The Constitution is basically structured with respect for the lords and how the lords must be presented with respect, in the constitution, it is stated that all the Five Nations must obey the rules on page 25, “ The people must hold their lords high in estimation out of respect to their honorable positions. In the U.S. Constitution it doesn’t speak of any lords, but only the House Of Representatives and members like senators and judges and in the U.S. Constitution it

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