Causes And Effects Of The Us Constitution

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The United States Constitution consists of the essential principles and laws for the nation. It is the framework for the government of the United States, exemplifying the citizen’s rights and duties as well as the system of how it’s governed. The Constitution was established according to the fundamentals of federalism as well as the separation of powers. The United States Constitution was written during the Philadelphia Convention which is also known as the Constitutional Convention in the year 1787. It was written by a variety of people including Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Thomas Paine and John Adams under the supervision of George Washington. The Constitution was written as a result of the American Revolution …show more content…

Many causes led to the development of the United States Constitution. One cause was the American Revolution. Americans finally beat the British after the revolutionary war. After this win, the Americans needed a government that would unite them all. All the nations kept their eye on America, to see what it would do. Once America attempted to govern itself and succeeded, other nations did the same as America and went against the British. The Articles of Confederation was the United States’ first attempt to govern itself, which then led to the formation of the United States Constitution. ("Causes and Effects." U.S. Constitution. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2015.) The Articles of Confederation was the other cause of the development of the United States constitution. The weakness of the Articles of Confederation directed to the creation of the Constitution. A stronger central government than that provided from the Articles of Confederation was wanted as well as the separate states uniting to have an authorization over the elements of familiar interests such as war, trade and interstate conflicts. Some of the weaknesses that the Confederation was experiencing were less power over