Is For Anna Bloom Character Analysis

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Is for Anna Bloom the main character of the novel. ...... Is for Bare, which is how Anna felt her first night because she was stripped of everything she owned and had to sleep in the hallway on a mattress. ..... is for the Confidence Anna find with being in her own skin. ..... Is for the Doctor in the story that is horrible and is not there to help but rather to just collect his paycheck. ...... Is for all the Emotions Anna feels,causing her to be in there. ..... is for all the new Friends Anna ,meets which solves one of the leading causes of her admission into the mental hospital. ....Is for the Group therapy Anna is forced into while attending, she happens to meet her top love interest in it. ....Is for Hope, it helps Anna throughout her whole process of trying to fix her issues. …show more content…

...Is for Justin, who is Naas love interest in the story. ....... Is for kisses, which are exchanged throughout the movel between Anna and Matt and other essdients in the hospital. .... Is for Letter, that is how Anna communitcates with the leaders through the book, the letters are to her Best Friend. .... Is for Lakeland, the Mental Hospital Anna is admitted into ...Is for the New begginning Anna is striving for through the