
Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr Summary

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Modern technology, such as the internet, computers, and most recently artificial intelligence, has undoubtedly revolutionized and changed the way humans think, act, and work. Doing a simple task, like research, was unquestionably harder twenty to thirty years ago, and this can be attributed to the vastly different technologies available at the time. As many things are, technological advances can be seen as a double-edged sword, with their effects being both positive and negative. In his essay, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Nicholas Carr emphasizes the negatives of new and emerging technologies and the impacts that they may have on human intelligence. While Carr’s argument is valid, it is also important to address the benefits technology has to offer …show more content…

For example, in 2020, much of the world had to go into lockdown to avoid spreading COVID-19, and to reduce the increasingly high death rate. For many children attending school at the time, this meant that their education would have to be cut short. But technologies like Zoom and Google Meet, which were largely unheard of before the pandemic, allowed schools to continue even while a deadly disease was ravaging the world. Due to modern technology, students were still able to learn the concepts that they would have in person, but in a safer manner, and away from the dangers of COVID. Although it had an enormous impact on education during the pandemic, modern technology has been offering many other benefits in the field of education. For many people, physically going to college is not an option. They might have previous commitments, like jobs, that they need to keep in order to support themselves. Through the means of online bachelor’s degrees, individuals will be able to attain the education level that they want, while being self-paced and not having to give up aspects of their lives that may be important to

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