
Is Life Fair In The Iliad

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Two examples that support that life isn’t fair in The Iliad are when Patroclus was about to invade the city of Troy, but was stopped by Apollo who said Patroclus couldn’t be the one to invade Troy and possibly end the war because Patroclus wasn’t destined to do so. Afterward Patroclus ended up being killed in battle by Hector, who had the help of Apollo, when Patroclus gave up trying to invade Troy. Another example would be when Paris is saved from his battle with Menelaus by Aphrodite just because Aphrodite favors Paris more than she favors Menelaus. No, I don’t think life is fair, because if it was fair everyone would have an equal chance to go to whatever school or job they want regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, or
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