Is Snowball A Symbol Of Corruption In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Symbolize made a huge part in the corruption of the farm. Mr. Jones became a symbol of oppression and hatred and Snowball became a symbol of betray and destruction. The pigs used this to their advantage. Anytime someone was to question a decision made by the pigs, the pigs would use claim of “surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?” (Orwell 36). Even though they don’t want Mr. Jones back it hardly had anything to do with the decision. For instance when the pigs used the milk for themselves, they told the other animals “’It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back!’” (Orwell 36). This is a logical fallacy, because the pigs are trying to …show more content…

Jones comes back. Even though this is not true the other animals accept it, because to disagree with the pigs any more would mean that they want Mr. Jones back, and Mr. Jones symbolizes oppression and hatred. Snowball became a symbol of destruction because “whenever anything went wrong it became usual to attribute it to Snowball” (Orwell 78). Napoleon and the other animals used Snowball as an escape goat when anything went wrong. Even the misplaced key that was later found was still Snowballs fault. This gives the animals no accountability for their actions because they can blame it on the common enemy of Mr. Jones or Snowball.
Most of the animals in Animal Farm attempted to learn how to read and write but most except for the pigs were unsuccessful. This gave the pigs the unique power of knowledge over the other animals. The pigs had the sole power to change the Seven Commandments at will since no other animal had the ability to read them. The other animals couldn’t recall what the Seven Commandments were but only that the Seven Commandments are good, this lead to the