Is Technology Killing Our Friendship Essay

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Should we increase technology to all modern forms of computing system in classrooms?According to the articles, “Is Technology Killing our Friendship” and “When it is and isn’t OK to be on your Smartphone:the conclusive guide”,we are misusing our smartphones.In the article, “Is Technology Killing our Friendship,” it talks about how technology is affecting teens by making them choose over their social friends than real friends.In the article “When it is and isn’t OK to be on your Smartphone,” it shows that when you should and should not use your smartphone.These both articles explain how technology can affect teens and how it will not be a good idea to expand all types of modern technology. Technology does have positive impacts on teens but also negative.For example, in the AVID Weekly it states in paragraph four that a majority of young people post pictures,send tweets and surf the Web in front of other teens.This shows that some teens can also do that in classrooms on all modern technology in front of other teens which will impact them too.This is important because slowly all teens will