Is Technology Making USupid Essay

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We have all googled a question we don't know, or have asked Siri to do it for us. Information is so readily available in our society today, turning to it is almost like second nature. But is this technology and instant answers making us stupid? I would say not. These millisecond searches are actually helping us to become more intelligent. With technology we can share and respond to ideas, go out of the strict school curriculum to get knowledge, and, like the example above, give and receive answers at the tip of our fingers.

Today the world wide web is filled to the brim with ideas from all sorts of people. With the internet we can "take part in activities and discussions on a site, and upload, modify or create content" (Benefits of internet and social media 1). Our aspects and concepts can be shared with others from all over. Different opinions about controversial topics can be discussed anywhere. With technology we have the opportunity to share what someone else might have known. Getting feedback and criticism from our ideas can help our ideas develop. On the internet we can "supports creativity and can support discussion" (Benefits of the internet and social media 1). With the help of technology, people with diverse views can argue and collaborate. A new outlook on a topic is not something negative. The …show more content…

Today's technology can help us learn outside the classroom easier than before. In a paper by Joerg Landy, he states that "people use the internet to extend their own mind beyond their skulls." The amount of information on the internet abounds what we could simply find in a text book. Going out and seeking information helps us expand our knowledge. Another article author AJ Agrawal says that we absorb what we read and look up. We know that much more just from looking something up. Independent learning doesn't limit our personal study, or make us unintelligent. This newer style of acquiring knowledge does the