Is The American Dream Still Possible Summary

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America is most clearly recognized by the American dream which is believed to allow equal opportunity to achieve success; this dream has become much more difficult to make a reality due to poor working conditions and higher competition standing in the way. The American Dream while still possible, is much more difficult to achieve due to an increase in competition. In the article “Is the American Dream Still Possible” by David Wallechinsky, he gives us an insight on a few families and their feelings toward the possibility of the American Dream. For example, he tells us about Simone Luevano and Miguel Gutierrez, a couple who own a business yet are in financial stress, and their 7 year old deaf daughter who attends a private school. When asking Simone about her thoughts on the American dream, she says “The American Dream is a bygone thing … it’s not the way of life anymore. I used to …show more content…

But it’s not that simple. Now it’s faith and fortitude” (58). When first introduced, the dream was more easily accessible allowing individuals more control over whether or not they turned that dream into a reality. In the present it is much more difficult to attain. Simone expresses that, although they are putting much hard work into their business, the dream cannot be reached with all other factors such as other businesses and the care needed for their daughter standing in the way. She feels that for her family, the dream will simply remain a dream. On the contrary, some feel that the American dream is still easily accessible. In the poem “Europe and America”, by David Ignatow, he tells about a father and son and their experiences with the dream. For the son, the dream was simple to achieve due to all the hard work provided by the father. Ignatow shows this through lines 7-9 in which he writes’ “Thus, between my father who lives on a bed of anguish