Is Warm Bodies A Good Representation Of Romeo And Juliet

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Is Warm Bodies a Good Representation of Romeo and Juliet? The Shakespearean drama, Romeo and Juliet, has had many new revisions and updates; Warm Bodies being one of them. It is clearly farther updated and new, but I disagree that it’s a good representation. It’s simply too different to compare to the original. I do see points that might make one believe the opposite, but most can be dismissed. Warm Bodies is not a good representation of Romeo and Juliet. The first reason for this, is because of the way certain things in the story happen. In Warm Bodies, R and Julie meet on a scavenging run that leads to R eating Perry (Paris). This also means he dies at the beginning of the story. In Romeo and Juliet, Paris dies close to the end of the play. That is a huge difference in the timing of his death and obviously, cause of death. Another difference that was caused by this scene was that Julie didn’t have love at first-sight. Warm Bodies also shows the party scene after the balcony scene. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo meets juliet at the party, making it crucial that this occurs in any representation. …show more content…

In Warm Bodies, the only true bad from the love between R and Julie is that the bonies decided to start attacking the humans and zombies. In Romeo and Juliet, it leads to the deaths of many, and even more hate between the families. Warm Bodies also tells nothing of the theme that is timing. In Romeo and Juliet, the theme of timing is evident because of the letter that was just missed, Juliet waking up right after Romeo had committed suicide, and Paris planning to marry Juliet right after she was married to Romeo. Another difference in theme is that in Warm Bodies the humans and zombies come together, but in Romeo and Juliet the families never