Is Wicca A Religion

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Wicca is a spiritual practice which believes everything in nature is connected by energy - some think of that energy as God or various Gods and Goddesses, others as a universal force similar to the force in Star Wars.

Whatever you call it, it is created by and connects every living thing on the Earth and the Earth itself. That force is within us all so we are all part of it (I'll refer to it in the rest of this article as God for convenience) and we all have God within us. We are all connected to each other, the Earth and the elements.

Is Wicca a Religion?

Wicca is a spiritual practice, not a religion. A religion is a set of rules that govern a spiritual practice and Wicca has no set rules or ruling body which means it is not a religion. …show more content…

A common form of the Rede is "If it harm none, do what you will.". Harming none includes yourself and animals so Wiccans do not believe in suicide or animal or ritual …show more content…

Like any group, ego can be a factor, but as Wiccans believe strongly in free will, "... do what YOU will", this is the exception and many groups will quickly fall apart if one member attempts to control all of them. You should of course investigate any group you are thinking about joining and use your own judgment in staying with them.

Is Wicca Witchcraft?

While many use the terms interchangeably, Wicca is not Witchcraft.

Witchcraft (or "The Craft") is a separate practice not tied to Wicca or any spirituality. Anyone of any faith - Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, etc - may study or practice Witchcraft and that does not make them a Wiccan. Witches may practice without any religious or spiritual beliefs at all working with pure energy that they view as just energy and not anything divine.

Witchcraft uses the energy field or God to affect change in accordance with their will. For Wiccans, this again means with harm to none - Wiccan Witches do not practice hexing or what is commonly considered "black" magic and they strive to change themselves more than others.

What do Wiccans