Islam Vs Buddhism Research Paper

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Many religions have diverse views on life. This may include their belief in a higher power, their rituals, their moral teachings and their sacred texts and writings. Their views on gender roles may also differentiate religions. The status of women in different religions is a topic that is often debated. Many believe that women should be very reserved and that the male is the dominant figure and spiritual leader, while others believe in absolute equality among the genders. In the religions of Islam and Buddhism, the status of women is quite different. In Buddhism, women are often seen as equals to men, where in Islam, women are often the inferior gender. It is the purpose of this paper to distinguish the status of women between the Islam and Buddhism religions. To begin with, in Islam, the male is seen as a leader who is responsible for the “Quiwama”, which is the maintenance and protection of his family, while women are seen as the holder of the maternal role. (Ahmad) Muslim women and men both …show more content…

On December, 2011 Muslim Aziz Yazdanpanah from Texas was on the news for killing his own daughter. He killed her because he was angered by the fact she was dating a non-Muslim boy. (Jihad Watch) There was also another incident regarding a 57-year-old Canadian Muslim father who brutally strangled his teenage daughter for not wearing her hijab, which is a traditional Muslim headscarf. (Global Politician) These stories do not at all depict the Islam religion. This is when people who don`t understand the difference between the religion and the culture make judgments and generalize all Muslims as violent abusive fathers. However, the religion believes in peace and love for their daughters. The Ibn Hanbal states, “Whosoever support two daughters till they mature, he and I will come in the Day of Judgment as this (and he pointed with his two fingers held together)”

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