
Islamophobia Clock Analysis

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Islam developed or derived from Mecca and continues to spread rapidly to all parts of Saudi Arabia, throughout the entire world. Islam is a religion with a rapidly growing number of people in the world. Muslims come from various parts of the world, such as Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and other areas in the Middle East. Islam is a peaceful religion, just like other religion. But, since the 9/11 attack, non-Muslim people and the media start framing Islam as an anti-peaceful religion. This essay will critique an article written by Pamela Geller “Ahmed Mohamed and the ‘Islamophobia’ clock”, which is published online, on the 17th of September 2015 as one of the examples of media representation towards Islam and Muslim, followed by the 9/11, the World …show more content…

This essay will also analyse the ideological or the common sense view of the world of Islam as an ideology and race rather than a religion by exploring interpellation, discourse and genre as a basis critique for this …show more content…

She wrote that Ahmed as part of the ISIS setup in America and explained that Ahmed did not give a detailed explanation to the police about the clock, as she describe as ‘the strange ticking device’ that he made. “When police questioned the boy, WFAA reports, they said he was ‘passive aggressive’ and didn’t give them a ‘reasonable answer’ as to why he had brought his contraption to the school” (Geller, 2015). It is clearly shown the severe grown of Islamophobia in America. The teacher who discovered the clock asked the police to arrest Ahmed. Because the clock look like a bomb, which then turn out to be a hoax bomb. According to Fisher (2015), the police handcuffed him and humiliating him in front of his fellow students. The police also accused him for trying to build a bomb. Is it because he is a Muslim, his name and his face that look like Arabs? Muslims are in some way considered as a race, stereotypical Arabs, because most Muslims are coming from the Middle East or Middle Eastern background. His name, Ahmed Mohamed also part of the Islamophobia. Race is diverse, Bamshad and Olson (2003, p. 80) claimed that race is used to divide group groups according to genetically determined propensities for certain diseases. The most definition race is based such as on skin color or hair texture. In Ahmed case, it is clearly shown that race is one of the reasons why police have to handcuff him. He has a typical middle east dark olive

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