Isolation In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka

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The isolation of the individual results in a spiritual death that dehumanizes a lonely person. As with Gregor and human beings, seclusion can cause detrimental problems one can never move pass. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka emphasizes how distortion of reality can convey a sense of alienation and how hardships can lead to unravel the dark aspects of human behavior. After Gregor’s physical transformation, his family no longer sees him as a worthy individual and thus push him aside and view him as a responsibility rather than a person. As the sole provider for his family, Gregor’s life turned into a vicious cycle of only working, removing all his social aspects, critical for a healthy individual’s life. As human beings evolved as interdependent …show more content…

Kafka, beginning his novella, dehumanizes the main character with the transformation from man to vermin. Gregor “quickly one after another, with tears of contentment streaming from his eyes, devoured the cheese, the vegetables, and the white sauce; on the other hand, the fresh food didn’t appeal to him; he couldn’t stand the smell, and he even dragged the things he wanted to eat a little distance away”. Shifts from his food selection and desires to his voice and vocal communication declining, portray the changes that begin to apart him from mankind and his family. As one knows for humans to survive communication is key and because Gregor could not express what he was feeling his mental state never really evolved. From this point on all “purpose” that Gregor possessed seemed to disappear for not only himself but in his family’s viewpoint as well. Therefore, Gregor’s family disregarded his life both in human and vermin form. Unfortunately, Gregor never had real humanity, as this is portrayed with hobbies, socialization, and having a clear sense of knowing oneself as a person, all things Gregor lacked. As the story progresses, Gregor’s physical appearance leads the separation he faces from his family and mostly spends his days hiding in his room. Additionally, the constant reminder and the whispers he heard of how much of a burden he was seriously detriment his