Isopods Vs Sowbugs

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Background Research:

Isopods are group of small, cold-blooded, crustaceans also known as pillbugs and sowbugs (pillbugs are commonly known as “roly polies”). Pillbugs are almost exactly like sowbugs, but differ because they can curl up into balls and are thicker than sowbugs (PNNL). Isopods are related to a few water crustaceans including crabs, crayfish, and shrimp, so water is necessary for them to survive. For that reason, they live in damp or wet areas such as forests and meadows. Isopods have seven armour plates, called “pereonites,” that serve as protection from predators and have seven pairs of legs. Predators include, ants, spiders, toads, frogs, lizards, small owls, foxes, centipedes, beetles, and occasionally even other isopods. …show more content…

Pour 50 mL of warm water into one detached chamber and place the chamber with water and the chamber without water next to each other on a table.
Place the connected choice chambers with 5 sowbugs in the right and left* chambers on top of the separate chambers (one with 30 degree celsius water and one without water), adjust the pairs of chambers so the connected chambers are directly on top of the detached …show more content…

Repeat steps 13-16 for two more trials to achieve precise data.
Take your beaker of water (150 mL) or ice out of the freezer.
Measure 50 mL of water and see if it is 10 degrees celsius (if the water’s temperature is more than 10 degrees celsius, leave it in the freezer longer. If the water is colder than 10 degrees celsius, leave it out to warm up).
After measuring the amount of water needed (50 mL), put the beaker of water back into the freezer to maintain its temperature.
Pour 50 mL of cold water into one detached chamber. Place the chamber with water and the chamber without water on a table side by side.
Place the connected choice chambers with 5 sowbugs in the right and left* chambers on top of the separate chambers (one with 10 degree celsius water and one without water), adjust the pairs of chambers so the attached chambers are directly on top of the separated chambers.
Every 30 seconds count and write the amount sowbugs in each chamber (from 30 seconds to five minutes).
Repeat steps 18-23 for two more trials (on the last trial skip step 20) to accomplish an accurate

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