Issue Of Poverty In Canada

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In this essay, I will be talking about why poverty is an issue and how to solve it. I will be touching base on the resources that are needed, the racism/stigma involved, ways in solving poverty with creating jobs, child care, building houses and relating all to class material. In Jim Silver's book, About Canada Poverty, is about Canada's relation to poverty, the different types of poverty in discussed in the first chapter is directed toward absolute poverty and relative poverty "Absolute poverty... only those who are not getting their most basic daily needs met... who are not being able to require a minimum of nutrition, basics shelter, and adequate clothing... Defined as poor."(Naiman 225) further more.
In Canada the majority of people stuck …show more content…

"Major source of poverty is it in inevitable existence of employment... many workers, particularly women, cannot find affordable childcare and are therefore unable to work" (Naiman 228) however, there are different types of poverty, "as important as money is in a monetized society such as Canada, there are forms of poverty that are more about a shortage of money. Poverty is often a complex and multi-faceted, and can damage the human spirit in ways that are profound."(Silver 2) that being said, there needs to be different as well as more shelters, food banks and whatever more resources someone in need, needs. We need more of certain resources, because the amount we have now are full, for example, shelters get full so quickly that the citizens without homes are stuck to sleep on the street, no matter the weather. Food banks need more donations in order to feed everyone a good amount, in most cases, families do not get enough food and still starve. I believe that schools in this area need to be altered, with classes that teach you how to live, grow your own food, raise youth kids, what food banks are. Instead of taking kids away from homes, get parents to go to school to learn or to put a foster parent into a home, this will help identify if these parents need help or are struggling with money. Teaching cultural values, this is very important because the …show more content…

"If it is directed toward people with particular physical characteristics such as skin color, eye shape, or hair texture it is referred to as racism." (Naiman 242). Stigma is the belief or thought that all homeless people got into poverty themselves, due to addiction or crime. "Few of us see structural relations as the causes of poverty. Instead we focus on certain inherent characteristics of those who are poor supposed laziness, lack of education, lack of ambition... such an omission reflects the ideology known as blaming the victim"(Naiman 229) This is not true, often "we stay in the class we’re born into (typically) for most of our lives, in part due to the process of class socialization". Racism is also an issue that relates to the stigma of homeless people, and is often directed at Indigenous people, the belief is that all Aboriginals drink and are bums, which is not true, this has led to become this way due to the years and years of abuse towards that culture with colonization and residential schools "It's not just others who blame the poor. What is partially troubling about this process is that it is often the program themselves for their condition, with. Low self-esteem, the poor often turn to self-destructive coping mechanisms such as smoking, alcohol abuse, or substance abuse... it often becomes more difficult for them to get out of poverty."(Naiman 229). The micro

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