Issues Surrounding The Piracy Of The Film Industry

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I was not surprised to find that every person I interviewed had watched a pirated movie at some point. It has become so common over the past decade that I was expecting everyone to have done it at least once. The main takeaway I got from completing this project is that people are uneducated on film piracy. The results I got from both the non-film and the film majors were similar, and it seemed that being a film major had no impact on how the students viewed film piracy. Even though I was unaware of the issues surrounding it as a film major myself, I thought others might have a different perspective. None of the students were concerned about pirating movies at the beginning of the interview. When I only asked the film majors how they thought piracy would affect them in the future, most of them stated that they had never thought about it before. After the interview, some of …show more content…

The main problem with piracy is that consumers are violating the rights of the film industry. It is clearly against the law to pirate films, so with the rights model, educating people would help to protect the intellectual property on filmmakers. Consumers do not have the right to view content for free, so while they are stakeholders, they do not have any rights to film piracy. This means that the rights model would bet respect the rights of all who have a stake because filmmakers are the only ones who have rights that need to be protected. One shortcoming of this would be content might not be as accessible, resulting in less viewers. Piracy allows films to be spread across the internet, so people do not have to pay, and they can see any movie that might not be showing in a theater near them. This makes films more available to the public. So, consumers would be impacted because they would not be able to view as many films as they can