Ith/5500professional Research And Communication Assignment

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Communications Assignment
ITECH 5500Professional Research &Communication Professor:

Submitted by Student ID
Mohit - 9
Table of contents:

1. Introduction…………………….………………………………………………………………..3
2. Identification of communication styles, skills and effectiveness…………..…………………….....4
2.1 List A………………….…………………………………………………………………...…..4
2.2 List B ……………….……...………..…………………………………………………….......5
3. Comparison between List A and List B.………………………………………………………....7
4. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………..…………8
5. References...………………………………………………………………………………………9

Communication can be categorized into three basic types: (1) verbal communication, in which you listen to a speaker to comprehend …show more content…

Identification of communication styles, skills and effectiveness
2.1 List A
Below discussed are some of the communication styles, skills and effectiveness methods adopted by President Bill Clinton, USA during his public speeches:-
President Clinton is recognized as one of the best stimulating and motivational speaker in the world. He has decades of public speaking experience, a deep well of personality, and record high favorability ratings, but he uses very simple techniques to carry on all these traits.
It can be observed from most of his speeches that Clinton recognizes his own personal communication styles to influence and thus comes to be very influential leader. As a politician, his first priority is the voters who support him in the presidential elections.
Clinton uses great use of signpost in most of his speeches to mesmerize the audience. We can observe the same in the famous YouTube videos DNC 2012 and the election speech at georgetown.

• Assertive Communication: From these video, it can be seen that Clinton carries a very assertive and positive attitude. He has the take-charge attitude and delivers his message with full confidence and charisma. We can see that he uses a lot of metaphor to compare the democratic and republicans parties in the USA. He endows trust in himself and delivers the speech through which the audience has no option but to trust him …show more content…

One such example is the interview with fox news. During the interview the media focused on Clinton's irritation, characterizing Clinton as being "furious" and of "losing it" and "having a complete meltdown." However, from the video we cannot see any evidence of Clinton letting his emotions flow, getting the best of him.
2.1 List B
Below discussed are some of the communication styles, skills and effectiveness methods adopted by Microsoft Ex-CEO Bill Gates during his public speeches:-
In the year 2006, Bill Gates announced that he would focus most of his time on philanthropy through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he also began to think seriously about how to commune the complex problems to the world which the foundation was trying to solve (extreme poverty, childhood deaths, and worldwide healthcare) in easy ways that most people could comprehend. From the Youtube videos Bill and Melinda Gates: Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done... and The Harvard Campaign Launch we see that he has clarity of thought and speaks with utmost confidence presenting his exceptional technical skills combined with the communication