Ithaca College Honors Seminar Essay

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If I could make a Ithaca College honors seminar I would have us examine what the use of silence can do with in art. We would examine this using multiple platforms including theatre, music, movies, as well as some literature and writings about the effect of silence. I would give the class the whole material and allow them to come to their own opinion on what exactly these pauses do. For each exposure to the material I would require the members of the class to do their own short individual reflect before coming in, to allow people to already have at least a bit of their own form opinion. This class would be mainly rooted in class discuss, I would help by providing questions or clips to help spark the conversation but I would hope it would be environment where people wanted to share their opinions and discuss with their classmates with help from me, the professor. There would be minimal test and grades would be more based on reflections, papers, and conversations had in class. As for materials, I would want to use a large range of different types of media. I would want to start the class off with Chapter 12: Great Rock and Roll Pauses of Jennifer Egan’s book A Visit from the Goon Squad. The …show more content…

To discuss films use of silence I would start with The Artist, which is a completely dialogue less movie about the movie industry 's move away from silent films. Through this we can talk about silent films and whether or not they are as meaningful as those with dialogue, as well as whether the use of silent in this movie was effective or not. I would also like to look at a few other movies that use silence like There will be Blood, 2001 Space Odyssey, and No Country for Old Men. All these movies use pauses in very effective yet different ways, so seeing and discussing them together would allow us to further question and discuss by silence is

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