J. L. Mackie The Subjectivity Of Values

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J. L. Mackie on his writing “The Subjectivity of Values” develops two main arguments against the objectivity of values. Mackie states, “There are no objective values” (pg.175) where he expresses his belief that there are no objective, absolute or universal moral truths and argues in favor of moral skepticism, the view that people cannot have knowledge about morality. While actions naturally can be perceived as morally good or bad, there is nothing that makes them objectively good or bad. Mackie presents two main arguments to corroborate his critique in morality. The argument from relativity in which he claims there are no objective values and the argument from queerness where objective values would be different from any other thing in the universe (pg. 174).
The Argument from Relativity is Mackie’s first criticism towards objective morality. His first observation is about differences in morals based upon culture. He claims how morality is better understood on a relative level. Instead of one culture being “correct” and the rest misinterpreting the moral principal, it is better to express that each culture receives their morals from different ways of life. “Disagreement about moral codes seems to reflect people’s adherence to and participation in different ways of life” (pg. 176). One culture should not be considered more moral than another, as well not to considered one correct or right over another one. This is almost similar to moral relativism, in which what is morally