
Jack Finney's Use Of Foreshadowing

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Jack Finney uses foreshadowing to create tension, unease, and fear in the minds of readers. Throughout the story, tension is used to keep readers wondering what will happen next. In fact, in many important moments it will keep you on the edge of your seat. For example, in the lines “…and – his body moving backwards – his fingers clutched the narrow wood stripping of the upper pane.” tension forms by having the narrator nearly fall off the ledge. With only the only the grip of his fingers holding on, tension and fear are created and make the situation seem more real. And in this quote “…at a distance of less than two feet; he did not know whether it would break through the heavy glass.” Finney creates suspense to make tension form in the story. By using suspense to create tension it makes things interesting as well as keeps the readers invested in the story. In many instances tension is spread throughout the story to obtain a flow of …show more content…

Unease is also used to show foreshadowing in many important moments. For instance, in the quote “he swung his leg over the sill, then felt for and found the ledge a yard below the window with his foot.” Unease is created by his uncertainty of whether or not he will fall. Even though he is not thinking about falling in the immediate moment readers will feel unease from his uneven footing and may be able to relate to the situation of balancing on a small space. Unease is also used when he is walking along the ledge to the paper then back again. By having the narrator feeling nervous and unstable unease is created in readers who may feel like the narrators feelings are alluding to further events that will come. When the narrator was on the ledge he felt a bit nervous from being so high up on such a small space. His unease foreshadows to his feelings of fear when he looks down at the street below. In these moments unease forms a feeling of realism in the

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