
Jack Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay

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The character in the novel Lord of the Flies that represents the Id, is Jack. In the Psychoanalytic lens, the Id is defined as the basic desire, or the fundamental root of what each person strives for. Expressing several characteristics of the Id, Jack continually leads the reader to infer Jack is the Id. Additionally, Jack has an enormous desire for control and leadership. As well as a difficult time keeping his desire, “in the background.” Thus, often interfering with Ralph’s leadership and views. Frequently, Jack attempts to turn the boys against Ralph, only caring for his own desires. For example, “He’s not a hunter. He’d never have got us meat. He isn’t a prefect and we don’t know anything about him. He just gives orders and expects people to obey him for nothing. All this talk—” (Golding 126). Jack shows an example of his furor demeanor and his irate temper. A second reason to support the idea is that Jack portrays his desires against Ralph. The id of Lord of the Flies does not view the world …show more content…

In Lord of the Flies Ralph is elected by the boys in the beginning of the novel to be chief. After the shift of power shifts, Ralph also begins to fight for his right of power. The main character often views his opinions above the other boys. Especially with Jack, Ralph frequently ends his arguments with the statement, “I’m chief!” or explaining how his view is leading over the others. For example, ‘We can do without Jack Merridew. There’s others besides him on this island. But now we really got a beast, though I can’t hardly believe it, we’ll need to stay close to the platform; there’ll be less need of him and his hunting. So now we can really decide on what’s what” (128). The author describes Ralph through his opinions on other people. Moreover, his reactions when another has an opinion to overrule his is anger. Thus, showing his desires of being the prominent leader leads to a desire of

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