Jack The Ripper Persuasive Essay

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In 1888 Whitchapel, London, England was terrorised by a villian whosegrusome murders tagged him with the name Jack The Ripper for nearly over a century. The precise mutilation of the victims had suggested the killer had medial training. No suspect was ever found and the murders suddenly stopped just as mysteriously as they had begun. Leaving the world to ponder who was Jack the Ripper? During many arguments surrounding the identity of the famous killer, many speculated that Dr. Francis J. Tumblety may have been the ripper all along. The scottland yard did manage to get the Doctor in their custody, yet he raised bail, slipped out and fled to nearby France. Tumblety actually fits the time, place and profile surrounding the murders. Tracing Tumbley back to North America it was discovered he had connections to the asasination of Abrham Lincoln, and was evicted from a hotel in New York City …show more content…

On March 27th 1922, he traveled to the Trenholm home armed with a five shot revolver. His only intention at the time was to try and convince Olive to leave Harvey.
When he arrived, he and Harvey had a brief confrontation at the door. Which ended when Bennie shot Harvey with the revolver. When Olive heard the gunhot she raced to the door.
Bennie begged for Olive to come with him, although she refused and Bennie shot her in the breast. As she staggered back into the house, Bennie shot Olive once more in the heart.
Bennie was noted to have said that he was willing to die for Olive and it was all over ten minutes after he arrived at their home.
After realizing what he had done, Bennie fled to some nearby woods. Here he attempted to kill himself with a single gunshot wound to the head. Unfortunately he was unuccessful, the bullet merely lodged in his temple. However, because he was now leaving behind a trail of blood. Police were able to catch him. Bennie was sentenced to death by