
Jack's Descent Into Madness In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Eesha Mehrotra
Mr. Hopkins
English 9
Jack’s Descent into Madness In the middle of the Atlantic, a group of British schoolboys are living like caveman on a previously uninhabited island. They are led by Jack, one of the older, self-proclaimed leaders. But this Jack is nothing like what he was before. He too was once a normal kid, until his plane crashed into the island, forcing all the passengers to fend for themselves. As they try to organize this new island life, Jack immediately tries to take control. He fails, while another boy, Ralph, is able to take charge. Later on, Jack promotes himself on the island through devious acts. After winning people over, his attitude turns ugly and mean, and this different side of him is revealed to the tribe, causing their division. Evil people can take advantage of desperate times to take power, leading to chaos and the downfall of society, as shown by Jack when he turns crazy in William Golding’s Lord of …show more content…

He desires control over the people. Jack leaves while exclaiming ‘“I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you”’ (Golding 127). He is no longer choosing to partake in Ralph's tribe, and work with him or the others. Jack is rebelling against the society they built together which was nessacary for the survival of all. This is his chance to rule, which he has always wanted to do. Later on, after enticing others into his faction, he gains strength and his actions become more sinister. In order to get what he needs, Jack decides, ‘“We'll raid them and take fire”’ (Golding 136). He has now resorted to stealing as a way of collecting resources. He is preventing the advancement of others, not letting them be better than him. Jack is also demolishing opposition to his rule. He is trying to get revenge against his arch-nemesis, Ralph, trying to make him suffer. Overall, Jack has transformed into a wicked ruler on the island, pulling others over to his

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