Jacob Ryan Anderson Character Analysis

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Everyone has that one person in their life who they despise just because they are different from them. For example, there is probably someone who is a tall girl with long blonde hair or the hot muscular guy who plays every sport and it’s obvious they are totally different from the normal. My cousins aren’t just a little bit different, they are polar opposites. But somehow, they overcome their differences and are the best of friends while still being brothers. A quiet, young, and nerdy looking boy with intelligent eyes is sitting in the corner reading a novel by his favorite author. That describes the life of one of my cousins, Noah Curtis Anderson. Most of his days are spent reading, studying for a test, or playing video games. He only settles for straight A’s in his private school classes. His teachers never complain about his presence in class and make him sound like an angel. Noah is probably the most sophisticated and focused seven year old I’ve ever met. Most kids his age are bouncing off the walls screaming for cookies while making messes, but not my cousin. However, my other cousin has a completely different lifestyle. Jacob Ryan Anderson is a crazily active kid who is always moving around. His favorite sports are soccer, baseball, and football because they involve lots of running. Competitive nature is in his blood which gives him the drive to be in so many extracurricular activities at the age of five years old. The playtime he has includes his wild imagination which often leads to sword fighting or shooting his brother with a Nerf gun. …show more content…

Noah has light brown hair like mine, deep brown eyes, and jagged teeth. Recently, he added oval glasses to his appearance that make him look like Harry Potter. Especially when he has his nose in a book. Being so long and lanky makes it hard for