Jacqueline Winspear's Maisie Dobbs

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In the novel “Maisie Dobbs” by Jacqueline Winspear, Maisie Dobbs is a young working woman who starts her life out as a maid. While working as a maid, she begins her education in the Compton household. Maisie then leaves her job at the Compton’s and goes to volunteer in the war as a nurse. After the war ends, Maisie continues her education as a detective. Throughout Maisie’s life, she encounters some relationships that influence her. Relationships play an important role in this novel and shape the way Maisie lives. This novel was written to show the life of Maisie Dobbs, but as we progress into the story, we see not only is the novel about Maisie Dobbs but about the people who influenced her. Lady Rowan Compton is a major character that allows Maisie to have an education. Lady Rowan Compton is a woman of wealth and fortune who has a love for knowledge. Lady Rowan’s compassion and love for education is selflessly given to Maisie after finding her reading one of her Latin books. Maisie Dobbs is a woman of …show more content…

Maisie’s education was made possible and was furthered by Dr. Maurice Blanche. Within eighteen months, Dr. Blanche had “Maisie studying at a level of which a master at one of the prestigious private schools of the day would have been proud” (Winspear, p.103). Maurice never gave up on Maisie and always continued to tutor and give her life advice. As Maurice was tutoring Maisie to be a detective he advised Maisie, “Stay with the question. The more it troubles you, the more it has to teach you” (Winspear, p.104). This is how Dr. Maurice Blanche taught Maisie, he would present her with a book and question. Even though the question may have been hard, Dr. Blanche wanted Maisie to find the answer and learn from it. Dr. Blanche was also a faithful teacher. As Maisie grew up, went through the war as a nurse and other troubles, Dr. Blanche was still there and continued to teach Maisie, even after the point of where she had become a detective