Jaime Garcia Dias Research Paper

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Brief Biography

Jaime Garcia Dias was born in Rio de Janeiro and is a very renowned author in Brazil. He is age 45 with twenty published books, five of which received awards. His parents are Arnaldo Dias, a journalist and author, and Dulce Garcia Dias, an architect. It is apparent that Mr. Dias took after his father and Arnaldo Dias embraced his son's enthusiasm by mentoring him to be the great author Jaime is today. Jaime Garcia Dias was writing by the age of fifteen, he attended the Arnaldo school and excelled in all of his studies while also passionately reading on his own. Jorge Amado was one of Brazil's most talented authors and happened to be one of Jaime's favorite authors. Two of the books from Jorge Amado, The Alchemist and By The …show more content…

This award is only handed out to prolific, important and influential writers in the world of Brazilian Literature. The Carioca Literature Academy had greatly benefited from Jaime's positive writing style. The brazilian author had gained a strong sense of worth since teaching at the academy in 1993, his proposed new methods to study writing changed the school. Mr. Dias demonstrated to the academy that the traditional ways of teach weren't always the best ways for expressing thoughts.

In 2007, Jaime Garcia Dias became president of the school which by then had a reputation for helping aspiring authors find their voice. As President, Mr. Dias would continue to build upon that help to a new level by announcing that Carica Literature Academy would be the first school dedicated to journalistic literature. Carioca Literature Academy is currently now the largest school dedicated to Brazilian writers. By concentrating on the art of writing, Dias has improved the academy significantly and given himself the opportunity to increase his writing and exposure to the rest of the world outside of